Unique theatre experiences in Buckinghamshire and Beyond!

Unusual theatre in unusual places since 2005!


Openscript have been making theatre with and for communities for 15 years. We have developed theatre platforms for emerging artists in Devon, delivered theatre programmes in acute psychiatric wards and young offenders institutes and produced professional productions in unique community spaces.


to theatre for everyone

Openscript is a theatre company making innovative shows in unusual spaces. Here you will find information about activities planned for 2022, as we get back to business after a very strange 2 years!

Theatre for children and young people

We use professional artists to give children the chance to master new crafts and tricks: stage-fight, magic, dance and circus skills. Theatre is a way for children to put their ideas out into the big wide-world and experience delight as the audience reacts with laughter and curiosity.

Young Actors Club - Saturday Workshops

This term, Young Actors Club offers children something really special; learn safe and fun Stage Combat moves from International practitioner Jean-Marc Perret. Take a look at his incredible stage craft in the video clip of The Three Musketeers - ! And with professional magician Jamie Docherty, your child will discover the irresistible excitement of magic and sleight of hand! Check out Jamie's professional show with his co-magician Joss and click here to find out more!